
When it comes to studying, I do well in terms of how I study. In that I mean, I study what I need to study and I don’t study things I already know, and I have found ways to study that work for me and my mind. I make flashcards and study guides that I can read over and I take good notes. However, the issue with my study habits is that I do not devote much time to studying. I tend to not start studying til a night or two before, and I find myself trying to memorize 3 chapters of material in one or two nights. I know that the more efficient way to study and memorize material is to read through the notes and material everyday as I am learning it so that when an exam comes I do not have to cram. For the first exam in Psych 101, I had all the proper materials I needed in order to study- lecture notes, book notes, and flashcards but I decided to not start studying til the night before, which made it hard to study effectively.